Shinny Side is Not Up

My younger brother Doug, was a road racer who has competed at Sebring, Watkins Glen, Circuit of the Americas and many other invitation only road races. That was until an old back injury made it too painful to continue. He owned and raced a couple Shelbys, a former Mark Martin Road car and a 54 Allard with 392 Gen 1 Gemi in vintage races.

Every year there is a farce race called “24-Hours of Lemons”, where Racers make a mockery of what they do, by racing the cheapest and ugliest cars in a 24-hour endurance race. There’s a limit to what can be spent on the car – and it is audited for fairness.

About 10 years ago, he was on a team that ran a car called the Roach. It started raining and the “Next Up” driver refused to drive, so Doug took his shift. Wasn’t one of his better days as you can see by the below photos.

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