Do you own a motorhome? Keep it ready to go!

Whether you are a Prepper waiting for the Zombie Apocalypse, or may need to someday need to use in an emergency, always keep your Motorhome fueled and ready to go immediately.

You may need to want to be first out of town for natural disaster or pandemic. Power outage might make it your home away from home. Remember, in a power outage fuel won’t be pumped and there will be no banking. You may need to depend on a full tank of fuel to power your generator.

The last thing I do before returning home in my motorhome is to fill with fuel and DEF. I immediately make the motorhome ready (cleaned, serviced and prepped to go) to start and go 500 miles from home as soon as I walk in the door. I keep a couple cases of water on hand and rotate. Procrastination Kills.


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