Dave Schultz 3/15/2019

The US Congress is more corrupt than a Banana Republic Dictator, especially the Senate. Most Senators start off as Middle Class Americans — and leave with fortunes in the tens of millions of dollars. Look into Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Maxine Waters (I know Congress not Senator), Hillary Clinton, and scores of others before and after. How the do it? Selling out you and me for their Graft and Corruption deals. They’re Teflon Coated against crime investigations and immune to prosecution and conviction, at least the most Liberal are.
Every year they give themselves more money, more perks, more office budgets to spread around to family and friends, and more retirement. They live into their 90s because they get the healthcare no other American can receive — and for life.
So here are the laws I’d like to see first changed, and it applies to them.
Term Limitations:
One term of 6-years. Any more than that and they’re deep into the swamp for re-election funds and in the pockets of lobbyists. Why do we pay more for prescription drugs than any other country in the world? Because the Graft and Corruption from Lobbyists. Why are they so rich from being Senators? By steering Sweetheart Deals to their Spouses and Children. America is appalled by rich parents paying off colleges to let their kids in — but not at defense and other contracts steered to family and friends by Congress — especially the Senate?
No Special Retirement Plans:
You, I and the companies we worked for (In my case twice for me as I was Self-Employed) pay into Social Security all of our lives — and If that money had been invested like my Whole Life Insurance was — it would be millions. Instead, I’ll get $1800 a month for the last 13-years (National Average for male my age) of my life. Well if that’s good enough for you and me — it should be good enough for the people who wrote those laws for you and me.
No Special Health Insurance:
Their health insurance is unlimited, unquestioned and without deductibles. Is yours? Mine sure the Hell isn’t! I pay $3000 a month for shit health insurance, with high deductibles, and everything denied. They gave us Obamacare, won’t repeal it, and take Graft & Corruption from the health industry. If what they give us is good enough for us — then by God its good enough for them. They should only get the best policy offered to the rest of us — and pay for it the same way as the industry standard. 25% of theirs and 100% of their dependents. That’s better than the majority of Americans receive — who work. I’m a “Service Connected Disabled Vietnam Era Veteran Priority” about the highest standard for the VA Hospital — and yet I’ve refused to go there since the 70s because its shit! Now they virtually refuse to take care of me if I went – because of Means Testing. Do Congress deserve better than my Brothers and I who really Served America — instead of ourselves?
Expenses Born By The State Represented:
All Congressional Pay, Office and all other Expenses to be paid by the State they represent. I take Uber instead of Limos, Fly Commercial instead of Private Jet – so can they. The whole concept of Congress was to represent to the Federal Government for the State who elected them. That’s far from what’s going on. Once the State has to pay the expenses of the Senator and Congressman — they will start to better Police what their Representatives are really doing.
Oversight to the State:
The Congressional Oversight Committee is the Fox watching the Hen House. The State Elected their Representative — let the State Investigate, Prosecute, Convict and Sentence their Representative for corruption will representing the State. This should exclude an Interstate exemption for their crimes. Any crime anywhere by a Representative elected by the State should be considered as a crime in the state. I’ll bet things would change real quick. After all, their crimes hurt the State they were elected to Represent the most.
State Pays For All Junkets:
No air travel is to ever be paid by the Federal Government or a Lobbyist. If the State feels that the Junket is in their best interest — then they should pay for it. If a Lobbyist wants to put on a dog and pony show, the bring it to the local Holiday Inn Conference Center instead of the Bahamas.
Give Up All Rights to Be a Lobbyist
No Former Senator or Congressman should ever be on the payroll of a Lobbyist firm after they leave. Let’s stop allowing them to sell influence in the Interest and against the Interest of the people they were elected to serve. Go back to being a Doctor, Lawyer, Community Organizer – or run for city Dog Catcher.
Voter Reform:
- Positive Picture & Bio-Metric ID to vote. The Liberal claim that this suppresses minorities is a smoke screen to allow non-Citizens, Felons, and multiple voting to control the outcome that only good people should be controlling. You need ID to drive, buy cigarettes and liquor, fly, rent a car, leave and enter the country, cash a check, have a gun, buy a house, and just about everything else far less important than voting.
- Convicted Felons forever give up right to vote. If you commit a felony, you aren’t qualified to have an influence on what affects the good people of the United States.
- Only US Citizens can Vote. It is ridiculous for any honest and sane person to think differently.
- Must be 21-years -old to vote: Most kids now are so immature and so manipulated by the Communists who have taken over education, media, and the legal system. They need a little more time to get out and understand the real world. Frankly I’d prefer to see the voting age raised to 25 because of the Snowflakes that parents and schools have created. Few work in high school any more — most are coddled. EXCEPTION would be for those under 21 serving in the Military.
- No More Voter Harvesting: People are going into Nursing homes and Mental Institutions with absentee ballots, having patients with Dementia, Alzheimer, and other mental problems put their mark on the ballot. They then fill it out and submit on behalf of their candidate. Pure Fraud that goes ignored.
- States Easily Allowed to Recall and Replace Their Representative for No Confidence: Most countries do this and so should our States. Let States have a recall election upon the State Attorney General receiving a petition signed by 1% of the voters in the state. If recalled, the Governor appoints a Representative for up to a six month term while an election for a Replacement for the remaining of the term has been held.
Accountability to the State:
All accusations of a crime by Senators and Congressman made public, settlements negotiated and paid by the state only – and made public, and trials (if no settlement) are to be conducted by the state. No more Federal taxpayers secretly bailing them out for their rape and grouping actions.
Shorten Time Congress is in Session:
In Texas, our State Congress meets for 6 months every two years. They aren’t paid much, and have other jobs the other 3/4 of the time. It’s a good system to limit the stupid things government does and the influence they’re paid for. Hopefully all of the Liberals fleeing the States they screwed up to Texas won’t screw this up too!
We’re Suppose to be a Republic, Not a Democracy:
Our Founding Fathers created a Republic, where the States were suppose to be independent – but meet to Federally for common Interests – such as defense. That morph into a Democracy where three people could vote to take away something from the fourth. That then morphed in 1920ish (Federal Income Tax) to Socialism where the Federal Government (Looters) now heavily tax the Producers (those with Dreams and who worked hard to realize them) to give to the Moochers (those who never really studied or worked hard — so they have minimal skills and as such have shitty jobs or flatly won’t work) to elect them — The Looters. That my friends is Socialism — and we’re already there.
The problem is that once Looters create a majority of Moochers — the government falls and Communism is usually what it is replaced with. Read Saul Alynsky and Cloward/Piven — which is the American Communist manuals on how to achieve Communism in the US. Once Looters give Moochers something — it has never been able to be taken back. The Looters (all of Congress — Democrat and Republican) know this — and its how they get carried out of Congress on a Stiff Board when they die there.
It is doubtful that Americans have the guts to insist on the above changes be made to Congress. We should only vote for those running who promise to change Congress to the above. As such I fear that the United States is on borrowed time before failure. I hope that I’m wrong and that America starts to see that what’s wrong with Congress is who is put there. However, it appears that they’ll stick their head in the sand and allow 16-year-olds vote, allow Illegals to vote — or make them legal enough to vote, continue with no voter Id to allow voter fraud, and import non-producing voters who are nothing more than Moochers. Should it get too much worse — I hope Texas will Texit and control Immigration of Illegals from the South and Liberals from the North.
If you agree with most of what I’ve had to say here — won’t you email a link of this post to your friends and post it on Facebook and/or other Social Media? Look around, time is running out. You can be proactive for a non-violent change with ensuring we send people to Congress who will fix — or start to polish you Sickle and Hammer.