What Does Facebook Know About You

and who are they selling that information too?

No only does Facebook do the work of the Liberal Swamp by stifling the posting privileges of anyone posting a Pro-Trump or Anti-Liberal post, they’re reading every word of everything you’ve posted or communicated using their messenger – and scoring you. They know more about you than the NSA, CIA and FBI combined, and they make the ‘Deep State’ look like rookies on how they monetize it by selling your info to any entity targeting your assigned scores, or punish those posting to the Right of the Castros.

Do yourself a big favor and Google the topic of Facebook Spying on its Users. It is an evolving story that has picked up a lot of steam this month. Facebook’s power, corruption and political influence is far greater than most people can comprehend. They’re as much of the Swamp as the Socialist and Communist politicians they’re working hand in hand with.

Their Primary income source is not ads, its selling your Scored Data. Wake up and demand that they be held accountable for their promotion of the Socialist agenda from Soro’s Funded Groups, while punishing those speaking up against Socialism. Pull your heads out of the sand and speak up about how you won’t tolerate this abuse and corruption.

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