Millions of Conservatives Leaving Fascistbook for

100s of people, including myself, have unsuccessfully tried to create a Social Network that doesn’t have the Radical Left Thought Police using Gestapo tactics on the politically Right. Most use an application called WoWonder – which really isn’t ready for Prime Time.

With the way the last election was handle, Conservatives have had enough. Millions of Fox News watchers switched to AON and News Max, millions of Conservative Twitter users switched to Parler, Conservatives are running away from YouTube and flocking to Rumble – and now Conservatives have discovered MeWe.

It turns out that MeWe has been around for a few years now, and wasn’t really created as a Conservative alternative, but Conservatives have been welcomed with open arms. Unlike the Valiant attempts people have made with WoWonder – MeWe has big money behind it to grow, and its own application with many developers maintaining it. It has the ability to turn Fascistbook into a Liberal has been.

Many have mistaken Parler as a Facebook alternative. Is is not, it’s a Twitter alternative. MeWe on the other hand is much like Fascistbook, but without advertising, the lying Fact checkers, Goebel style propaganda and the Stalin like moderation. It groups and most everything else Fascistbook has – sans the Liberal slant. It makes it money selling cloud space to those wanting it – but it isn’t a need for most or a requirement.

I encourage all Conservatives and Libertarians to sign up and give it a shot. You’ll be very surprised how easy it is to use and how familiar it feels.

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