The Asshole Sisters Turn Two

Ole Black Bettie and Billie Sue were born on Christmas 2019, and we took them home Valentine’s Day 2020. Now that they’re two, they are officially no longer puppies. They just don’t know that yet.

They are referred to as “The Asshole Sisters” because they wrestle with each other all day and knock over everything (including us) in the process, because they’re so big. They pick up each other’s bad traits – like if one barks from something stupid – like a doorbell on tv. I love them both, but they’re both so needy for attention and it’s very difficult to train both at the same time. If we had it to do all over again, we’d just gotten one of them. That dog would be so much easier to train. They’re actually pretty good dogs – but love to play grab ass with each other. The deal is I selected one, and my wife wanted another. They’re very happy dogs having each other – and are inseparable.

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