The Obama Administration, Eric Holder’s DOJ, and the UN want to take your guns. Bob Costas blames a gun for a recent Murder/Suicide in Kansas City. Time to pull your head out of the sand — and speak up
Has this ever happened to you?
A man comes up to your house and starts beating on the doors and windows. He kicks on the front door. He bangs on the back door. Maybe he even picks up a makeshift battering ram attempting to break in.
Your options?
Option #1: Call the cops. If you live in a rural area or an urban area, you could easily wait 45 minutes for a patrol car to arrive. If and when it does, you could easily be dead.
Option #2: You could open the door and try to reason with the intruder. I find this works best when you bring along your two best friends — Glock and Colt.
One north Houston resident had an encounter like this recently. It didn’t make headlines. It was a story relegated to the news briefings section of the local papers. The homeowner shot the intruder — dead.
This kind of thing actually happens every day. That’s why it’s not front-page news. By definition, news is unusual. It’s unusual when an intruder gets the better of an armed, law-abiding citizen. It’s unusual when the cops prevent a crime. It’s not unusual at all when someone uses a gun successfully to defend himself.
It’s also not unusual when an armed citizen performs heroic deeds and does the work you usually associate with police work. That was the case this week in Madisonville, Tenn., when a kidnap and rape suspect was held at gunpoint until local sheriff’s deputies could take the man into custody.
Here’s how that one worked: The citizen, whose identity wasn’t released, heard his dogs barking, got his gun and went outside to investigate. The resident saw Timothy Clayton Thompson, whom he recognized from media reports as the suspect in an alleged rape. When deputies arrived at the scene, they found Thompson handcuffed and sitting on the ground. He’s accused of striking a 19-year-old woman over the head, abducting her at knifepoint from a car wash, then raping her. He has been previously convicted of sexual battery in Florida.
Aren’t you glad that unidentified hero had his gun and knew how to use it?
I know you didn’t hear that story on the radio or see it on television. It’s just one of those everyday, dog-bites-man stories. And that’s the problem.
Because Americans don’t realize how many lives guns save, they are becoming conditioned by hysterical, out-of-context media reports and power-hungry politicians who would prefer you were dependent on them for your very survival.
If you think I exaggerate, listen to this one: A politician in Maryland wants to start a buy-back program for toy guns.
You heard me right — TOY guns!
Annapolis alderwoman Cynthia A. Carter proposed recently that the city start a program to buy back water pistols, cap guns, and other toy weapons to curb “violent behavior” among children. The first-term Democrat argued that children “can’t distinguish between a real gun or a play gun,” and said she would eventually like to make all toy guns illegal. But until that happens, Carter said she will seek city funds or private contributions to start the toy gun buy-back program.
What a great contribution to society!
This is the ultimate in symbolism over substance. But not enough people in this country are laughing at such proposals. Too many of them are being taken seriously. The war on guns by government and the corporate-establishment media that serve the interests of big government is escalating every day.
Most Americans are simply unaware of the facts — that guns save lives, that they are a prerequisite to freedom and self-determination, that confiscation of guns is the last step to slavery and genocide.
If you are one of the few who do get it, you better raise your voice by several decibels. Because time’s running out.