50% Off

50% Off For Next Two Web Sites

For the next two customers wanting a web site, I will discount my usual $995 price to just $499, plus the $8.33 a month* for web server hosting.

For that low web design fee, I will do all of the following:

  • Set up your web Hosting Account for your domain**
  • Create a POP3 email address of yourname@yourdomain.com if you would like, or have that address forward to your usual email address
  • Set up your site's MySQL database, and database user
  • Install the latest version of WordPress
  • Do all of the General Settings configurations
  • Install latest versions of important add-ons and configure them
  • Create your header graphic JPG to your specifications
  • Modify the colors and look and feel for your web site to your specifications
  • Set up your pages to be ready to copy and paste your text
  • Set up your menus
  • Set up your Sidebar Widgets
  • Set up a Blog Style Index page
  • Set up a "Spam Resistant" contact page
  • Modify the appropriate templates to have sidebar also appear on single posts and pages, if you wish
  • Install your revenue generating Google Adsense and EBay Partners banners after you have applied and been approved. Checks can be sent to you monthly or deposited directly into your PayPal account.
  • Create a ProBoards forum with the same look and feel of your web site and seamlessly link from your web site – if you want a forum

When I have finished with the installation, configuration, and design of your site — you will have complete control of your site, and not need to be dependant on any web master. If you can post on a forum — you can maintain your own web site once I've finished setting it up for you.

  • You will be able to add you context (including images) in plain English — much in the same you you add a post in a forum.
  • You  will be able to customize your sidebar by simply dragging and dropping the widgets where you want
  • You can update to new releases of Word Press and add-ons with just one-click
  • You can change your theme for a different look and feel without losing any context

These types of web sites are perfect for:

  • Small Businesses wanting a professional web presence
  • Race Teams desiring sponsorship
  • Churches
  • Home Owner Associations
  • Parent Teacher Associations
  • Clubs
  • Personal Blog
  • Schools
  • Sports Teams
  • Race Tracks
  • Just about any other interest

A few examples of this type of web site I've done include:

If you wish to discuss further, contact me. This is limited to the next two web sites only. If you're thinking about it — pull the trigger now.

* $8.33 a month based on annual payment of  $99.99 for a web hosting at www.BigKahunaHosting.com

** You can register your domain name for as little as $8.99 a year at www.SouthernStarHosting.com if you don't already have a domain name registered


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